Monday, June 8, 2009

When you're on the far left lane on the freeway..

..make sure you're actually passing someone, or not blocking the traffic behind you.

It's plain and simple..
It's ultimately EASY...
It's not complicated....
It's definitely not rocket science:

If you're on the far left lane, and people are passing you on your right, you're a DOUCHEBAG. This means, move the f*ck out of the way when you see (in your rearview mirror) people are coming from behind you. How hard is it to understand that simple statement?

I absolutely hate it when idiotic drivers go 90 km/h or even 100 km/h on the far left lane (on the freeway, of course). Guess what? That lane is called the Passing Lane. And there is, of course, a reason as to why it was named so - it's for drivers going above the posted speed limit.

Now, some of you may say "Oh, we're not being douchebags. It's those speeders that are douchebags for going so fast." OMGzZzZWTFBBQ! Stfu. I am pretty confident to say that almost everyone has, goes, and will go over the speed limit no matter how much it's over. It's not a common thing that you see drivers actually following the speed limit. Get over it. It's a fact.

My point? You f*ckers are endangering lives by blocking traffic on the left lane. How so? Many, many reasons.
One of 'em: If someone is going say 115 - 120 km/h behind you and you don't move, they have no option but to merge to the right lane, where others are entering the freeway from the right, merging to the left. Can you paint the picture? It only takes ONE idiot to make a freeway disaster.

Others will argue "Hey Jeff, stfu! It's stupid to go over the speed limit. They have a limit for a reason!" Fine, congratuF*CKINGlations, you're smartass is right. But guess what? No, that was not my point. I never condoned speeding. Now I'm not going to lie, yes I go over the speed limit 95% of the time, but it's not like I weave in and out of traffic. I simply GO WITH THE FLOW. If you can't and/or not willing to, get the f*ck out of the left lane and stay on the middle-ish right (Not the far right. That's for people exiting and entering the freeway).

Seriously, is this a difficult thing to ask for? Again, I'm not condoning speeding or (especially) reckless driving. I am simply saying, if you cannot go with the flow of the traffic (whether it's 110 km/h or 140 km/h), get the f*ck out of the left lane, or speed the f*ck up!

But then again, who cares. I have a Million Opinions, and this is just one 'em.


  1. You fucking guy.

    What if it was your Mom was the one in front of you?

    *rolls down window and sticks up middle finger...notices it's mom and changes the finger to a wave*

    "oHai MOM!!!"

  2. LOL.

    Things wouldn't change. Well maybe the middle finger, but I'd still honk and give gestures =/

    Good thing she doesn't drive.

  3. I'm one of the guys who are coming up behind them... you sit back and wait to get noticed...nothing... roll up a little bit... nothing... take a peek down the shoulder... nothing... Alright fine, I'll use the center lane ###@@&@@#% now you change lanes!

    This is the game that gets played. Everyone has to win; we just aren't all playing the same game. I want to pass, the person in front of me wants to teach me a lesson.

    The solution that I have discovered is this: go with the flow. If the lane is clear; I'm on the move. If it's full of cruisers; then I cruise.

    I have better things to stress about than how fast I'm going. I'll get there early anyway; I left early to begin with.

    Great rant, Jeff

  4. "The solution that I have discovered is this: go with the flow. If the lane is clear; I'm on the move. If it's full of cruisers; then I cruise."

    -Exactly what I want to do, but if a slow poke is blocking the left lane, I can't do so.

    "I have better things to stress about than how fast I'm going. I'll get there early anyway; I left early to begin with."

    -I personally get bored driving at 100 km/h on the highway. Also, I PASSIONATELY HATE having to step on my brakes just because some idiot is cruising slower than everyone else, in the passing lane.
